Designed by God
Built by Man

By Captain Bob Webb

God is the designer and creator of the universe and today's technology.

God communicates with everyone, believer, and atheist, He is not prejudice and works with anyone who has freedom to think for themselves. Before our birth, God implants a purpose and sometimes a mission for us to carry out. After birth we must discovered what it is and pursue it.

Colossians 1:16 (ESV): “For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him.”

(invisible: The electromagnetic spectrum is a source of todays technology, radio waves for example.)

God inspired the technology we enjoy today; consider the cellphone. The cellphone is based on radio waves from God's domain. We can only discover elements in His domain, when inspired to man by God.

Below are PDF documents that has details on how God  inspires man with innovative technology. They are FREE, NO Registration, about 16 pages. Click on image to download.

Hebrew Tabernacle
Unites States Strike Force
United States
Science and Technology Innovation
The American Dream
Israel and Military Technology Co-creator with God
The Child in the Womb Natural Law



God Inspired Goals

When God is involved with our goal by His choosing, He will orchestrate opportunity to overcome barriers. If we are passionate about something and want to learn all we can, barriers do not stop us, this is God motivating us to hang in there.





Self-motivated Goals

We are on our own!

Sometimes we are inspired by an event and want to do something like that. Sudden neat ideas rarely have any staying power. Overcoming barriers takes willpower on our part. With no inter support, this is where we give up.




Nothing can be discovered or invented without the Holy Spirit inspiration. This is why man or Satan cannot be creative.

Most innovative concepts are developed in Christian countries. The United States is the leader followed with Great Briton. Germany was a leader before the wars. Political freedom is the key to innovative concepts. 

Concepts to consider:

Innovative Power
Divine Intelligence, Divine Guidance, Inspired Innovation

The Destructive Power of Hate in Politics.

Why political persecution strengthens the issues opponents are trying to kill.

About Caption Bob Webb

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By Captain Bob Webb

Goose Creek, South Carolina, USA

The information is for your personal use at no cost.